Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Dead Pixels 4: The Greatest Thing Ever

I am currently in possession of a Game Boy Advance cart featuring, among other things, a Legend of Zelda version of the original Super Mario Bros. Yes, there are other things on the cart, including even a few games that have not been modded, but really, what else do you need? The fireballs are swords, the Goombas are Octoroks, and Bowser, of course, is Ganon. It just occured to me to check if two-player mode lets you use Zelda. Remember, don't be a second-playa hater.
There's also a Sonic version of the game. I imagine that had to be more difficult to create, having to make Sonic sprites up from scratch and all, but it's not nearly as exciting...Bowser isn't even Robotnik, it's just some random bot. Still..."Good Job Sonic! Sonic got a Chaos Emerald!" will now have new meaning for me.
I'll have to remember to explore the rest of this package before I get over my recent illness. I have a feeling it won't be nearly as entertaining off medication.

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