Friday, December 5, 2008

Dead Pixels 1: Hiya

The name's Ryan. There, that's all you need to know.

For a writer, talking about myself and what I'm writing about is my least favorite thing in the universe. So I'm just going to tell you what this blog will be about. It's going to be about video games. Actually, it'll be more about entertainment and pop culture in general, but it will slant toward gaming, hence the title.

I know there's a lot of these out there. Fortunately for you readers (once there are some of you), I tend to approach the topic a little differently. Specifically, I tend to compare the media I consume to the culture that produces and purchases it. This means there are some things I will not likely do.

A. I will not bore you with endless lists of the top ten this and the top five that. These will occasionally crop up, but generally speaking I don't operate that way.

B. I will not insist on my iron-clad righteousness in all matters of taste and cultural consumption. Everyone is welcome to their own opinion, even if that opinion is stupid.

C. I'll do my damndest to avoid wasting space informing you of things you already know. For example, statements along the lines of "Final Fantasy is amazing!" need not appear here, nor such lovely insights as "Man, Too Human sucks." I'll try to provide a bit more insight than that.

So that's that. And now I have to make my first entry, which consists of something quite important.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Adam! Gavin here. First, congrats on starting the blog, fresh insights on video games is always welcome and I think I like your slant on things so far. I'm adding this to my favorites. (Don't disapoint) :)