Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Time in Happytown


Well, well, well.

I've always said that if things started going really well with me, in the sense that I just felt I could do no wrong, that would be when the comet hit. My own personal meteorite, with my name etched into it by cosmic forces beyond the ken of man. It may even have my exact address on it, or it may just follow me until there was an opportune time for it to strike me, and only me.

I've been looking to the Heavens a lot lately.

I'm not even sure where to start. Hell, I was, five minutes ago, hitting the "next" button on my music randomizer like a monkey on speed, thinking I wasn't going to find a song that wasn't either sad, ironic or instrumental. Clearly my music collection is not prepared for this; it is in comet mode. I've managed to hit Interpol's All Fired Up and find it wholly appropriate, but I can't just keep hitting repeat.

Perhaps a little background is called for.

I have the worst relationship/dating history this side of the sort of pure tragedy you can only get away with on Lifetime Movie Network. I am that guy who never knows when a woman is interested, and often has other things on his mind if he does notice. Everyone has a friend like me; the kind that can do some intellectual thing amazingly well, but doesn't know a good thing unless it slaps him in the face.

Well, a good thing slapped me in the face.

I apologize if I remain, basically, an intensely private person who is going to keep juicy details out of his blog, but, well, I'm an intensely private person and am going to keep most juicy details out of my blog. I will say this: for a guy who once got beat up for playing video games and reading comics, to a guy whose comic-writing aspirations are mostly met with "Huh...that's...interesting" or better yet, "Biff bam and pow stuff?", what could possibly be looked for in a woman?

How about someone who thinks comic-writing is ambitious as hell? That is among a lot of other very nice traits, but like I said, I am an intensely private person and you'll have to make do with that for now.

And what about those comics? Well, Adam Witt, who can apparently pull miracles straight out of his ass, recently delivered me some very good news that portends very well for our projects. This news I want desperately to shout from the rooftops, but it isn't concrete yet and if you had my luck you would beleive in curses, too. I'll just say: the writing duo of Eft and Witt will have a very good 2009.

I can honestly say I have never known what it is like to have everything just click before. All the pieces, right into place. For those who were wondering, it's very nice indeed.

So that comet is just going to have to follow me around, at a distance, for a while longer.

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