Tuesday, January 20, 2009

As if that was not enough

I just realized that all my optimism about life comes full circle on a day when OUR FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT WAS INAUGURATED INTO OFFICE. I usually don't capitalize things unnecessarily, but did I mention that today OUR FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT WAS INAUGURATED INTO OFFICE? And that he is not just breaking a massive barrier, he is doing it with so much style, smile, smarts and grace as to be able to laugh it off when he flubs his lines on national television?
Amazing. Really, just fucking amazing.
You can tell me all you want about being aimlessly optimistic, but I think that, after centuries of division in the human race, a black man is the world's most powerful human being, that that is something worth shouting about. No, we're not over racism. Here's a cold slap in the face: we never will be. When our tribe was our life, discrimination, born of fear, was actually a useful trait. It is ingrained in all of us.
But what a huge step. What a huge day.

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